Contact KIM

To contact Dr. CAMERON’s TEAM about consulting inquiries,
interviews or media requests, licensing, etc., AT


Students may use the OCAI instrument free of charge for research purposes only. Please email us for the Student Permission Letter (screenshot preview is below).

All other organizations wishing to use the OCAI, MSAI or LSAI instruments must pay licensing fees. Visit to take sample OCAI and MSAI surveys. Contact us for licensing and administration information.

We are are able to distribute the instrument to your organization on-line, tabulate scores, and produce feedback reports.  These reports include comparison data from approximately 10,000 organizations--representing many industries and sectors, five continents, and approximately 100,000 individuals.

Kim is also able to provide additional consulting services, such as analyzing and presenting to your organization virtually or in person. Consulting fees start at $5,000 for virtual engagements, and $15,000 for in-person engagements.